Christ Gospel Church was founded over 50 years ago by Rev. Berniece R. Hicks, who had no ambitions or plans for ministry, but had a gift for studying, understanding, and explaining the Bible. Rev. Hicks' teachings are unique in the way that spiritual themes and Biblical principles are tied together.  Hebrew is used to bring out the meanings of words in the Scripture.

The core of Rev. Hicks' teachings is founded on the principle that the Old Testament Tabernacle was laid out in the form of a cross and serves as a picture (a metaphor) of the Christian's spiritual experience in growing to maturity in Christ.  Other common themes of her teachings are that Christ is the head over all things; all things work together for good for those that love the Lord; and if one seeks the kingdom of God first, all other things will be added.  As Christians, our goal is to give thanks and lift up the Name of Jesus Christ in all things, all circumstances, and all situations.